Rules & Regulations

Basic Guidelines

Do not register for the forum, post anything on the forum, submit any horses for approval, or otherwise interact with any game function in any way until you have received confirmation of your acceptance to the game. If you disregard this rule, your application will be automatically denied. -- Temporarily repealed, as new members will be required to post joining forms on the forum until further notice.

Appropriate levels of activity are expected from all members. Failure to maintain minimum activity requirements will result in deletion of your account and loss of all horses.

Members may only have one active account. Multiple accounts, playing under false pretenses, or impersonating other members will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

All members must be familiar with these rules & regulations, as well as the game [Terms of Use].

Horse Statistic Guidelines

No "famous" horses existing in Real Life may exist in the BITS, and no two horses may exist with the same name.

BITS requires that all horse statistics be realistic to real life standards, and that all created or imported horses be assigned a sire, dam, and dam's sire. None of these may be entered as 'Created'. Real life lineage is permitted and strongly encouraged.

All horses must be registered within the Main Horse Registry (MHR) in order to exist and participate in the game.

Horse Care Guidelines

Horses must recieve regular veterinary and farrier care. At the very least, each horse must have a Physical Examination package ($300) and a farrier package ($300+) purchased once per year.

All horses must be housed at a stable within the game at all times. A one month grace period is extended to new members in the process of opening their own stable or those seeking a boarding facility.

Aging Guidelines

All horses age one year, every year, on January 1st. BITS runs equivalent with Real Life time..

Speedaging is permitted once in a horse's life. The new birth year must not interfere with any of the dam's other foals, and the horse must remain at least three years younger than both sire and dam.

All horses must retire and/or die between the ages of 25 and 35. No horse may be bred past the age of 25.

Breeding Guidelines

Mares and stallions must be at least 3 years of age before being bred. Both the mare owner and the stallion owner must consent in order for the resulting foal to be considered valid.

It is left to each member's discretion how long their mares stay in foal. There is no minimum gestation period.

Only one foal per mare can be registered each year, excepting cases where an embryo transfer has taken place. In these situations, mares may have a maximum of three foals registered in one year. Note that embryo transfers may only occur in breeds allowing them in real life.

Foal statistics must be based on real life genetic inheritance principles. For those who are unfamiliar with these concepts, many of the older members are very well informed in these areas and are always willing to offer help.

Importing & Exporting Guidelines

Members may import as many horses as they wish to and are capable of caring for. All imported horses must follow the standards of realism expected of created and bred horses, and must exist somewhere in SIM prior to importation, be it in another game or in All-Sim. Suitable proof of this must be provided if requested.

It costs $10,000 to import a horse. The fee will automatically be transferred from your account upon submission of the form.

The Administrative Team reserves the right to deny any horse entrance.

Out-of-game showrecords are permitted, but must be clearly labelled as such. Horses within BITS cannot exist in any other games, but can freely participate in All-Sim activities provided that, again, all resulting achievements are labelled as such. Out-of-game showrecords will not be automatically added to the results database by the Administrators, but members who wish to have these results included can submit them using [this template]. (Coming soon)

Horses may be exported from BITS if requested by the original owner (the member who created, imported, or bred the horse), or by a previous owner outside of the game who has a legitimate reason to do so. To requst an importation, contact the Administrative Team using the contact form on this site.

Creation Credits

Creation credits are to be used for the creation of horses within the game. Credits are not required when importing a horse from outside the game.

New members begin the game with 5 creation credits upon joining, and are awarded 5 more upon opening a stable, and an additional 5 on January 1st of each year.

Financial Guidelines

All financial transactions must occur through the BITS Bank, found in the 'My Account' section of the site. Any outside money transfers will not be honoured under any circumstances

All members begin gameplay with $300,000.00 and receive a monthly salary of $10,000.00. There will be periodic opportunities for members to earn more cash by helping with administration or performing other tasks.

Event Guidelines

All events, event entries, and event results must follow real life practices and be reasonably realistic. Results must be completed randomly using one of the recommended randomizers listed under the Resources tab, and must be submitted within one month of the show date. The only exception to this may be made in the case of official BITS Jockey Club races being run using Stretch Drive.

All show results must be in the appropriate spreadsheet format, and must either be emailed in to the Showrecords Administrator or linked to from the results post on the show results forum.

All show prizes must be supplied by the show host. If additional funding is required, members can contact the BITS Show Fund for assistance.

Additional event guidelines can be found on the forum, [in this thread].

Establishment & Facility Guidelines

All establishments, regardless of type, must be approved in order to exist in the game and must stay active in order to remain open. Upon receiving approval, members will be paid $10,000.00 for each successful establishment.

Members may create and submit establishments for approval immediately upon joining, if they so wish. There is no wait period.

All stables or other establishments housing horses must purchase facilities prior to submission for approval. Stables may offer boarding at the owner's discretion, and must always have enough room to accomodate all currently housed horses. Members who cannot immediately afford to purchase facilities may request a loan.

All establishments must have an up-to-date website displaying, at minimum, basic information about the establishment, contact information, and a listing of current assets (ie facilities, land, horses).

The forum offers more information regarding [buying and selling realestate] and [loans].

Website, Image & Copyright Guidelines

All member websites, must display an appropriate disclaimer on each page. No establishment will be approved without this in place. Additionally, member sites must demonstrate that a reasonable amount of effort has gone into their design and development. Double check for typos, broken links, or missing images prior to submission. Forum-based sites are not prohibited, but are very strongly discouraged.

We require all our members to ask permission before using someone else's photographs, code, layouts, or other intellectual property. BITS will not be held responsible for copyright infringements made by our members. Any infringements by our members that are brought to our attention will be handled by the Administrative Team in any manner they deem appropriate.